The Poio Method

A unique approach to phonics teaching, where children are in charge of their own learning journey.


1. Play before learning

Poio is designed to engage your child. They will be encouraged to explore a gaming world, packed with letters and words, on their own.

The exploration and discovery sparks children’s curiosity for learning. Learn more about the game elements here.


2. Adapted to your child

The game continuously adapts to the individual child's skill level.

This provides a steady sense of mastery and keeps the child motivated. With every letter sound they master, they are introduced to new letters and longer words step-by-step.


3. Take part in the journey

Keep track of your child’s achievements with our e-mail reports.

We also send useful tips for how to talk to your child about learning with Poio.


4. The goal is to read

The goal is for your child to read the uncovered story book to you, their siblings or impressed grandparents.

The game is designed to introduce your child to the book step-by-step, introducing the characters and the story in a way that makes it easier for your child to read a complex text for the first time. By boosting their self esteem, we invite them into the joyful world of reading!

The story book your child creates in the game can also be purchased as a printed copy here.